Saturday 24 December 2011

cycling conundrum number two

A post earlier this month pointed to the very fine opportunity that one of our guffers has to ride Amstel Gold. These can be rare chances that only come about once a lottery for a place has been won. This seems like a growing phenomenon with entries to more popular (usually harder) rides and sportives selling out quickly especially in the UK.
This leaves your average cyclist trying to achieve a balance between commitments to riding and training and everything else that goes with ordinary life. Websites are scoured for school and public holidays and fingers crossed in the hope that no family occasions clash with the big day. Some of courses manage to combine two demands as noted last year when a couple were married on the start line of Etape Caledonia and it has been known for specially commissioned white kit to be used for a wedding day tandem ride up Mt Ventoux. Alas these are the exceptions.
The Amstel Gold Amateur ride will go ahead on 14 April 2012. The Tour of Flanders on 31 March 2012 The routemeaster had a plan to ride both but it would in effect block out the beginning and end weekends of the Scottish school holidays. This would foreshorten time away or even exclude the possibility of a family holiday all together. We ask much of our partners and families in our pursuit of our chosen glories and must make our choices thoughtfully and with care. Thinking hard…

Merry Christmas

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